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Im the most fabulous person you shall ever meet MAUAHAHaHAHAHAHAHAH... Ignoring what Ive just said there completely, allow me to introduce myself,I am Sarah Louise Davies,currently living in the wonderful Country,England, of which I am very proud. I was born on th 17th of the 11th 1994, so that would make me,at the present time,17.At sight I am quite plain,at 5'7 in stature,blonde/brown hair,and blue eyes..Enough about my trivial self and thank you for reading this thing called my blog

Friday, 27 September 2013

White Teeth

Firstly, this is what I'm listening to at the moment. It is on repeat and I just love it

I've just  been watching heck loads of youtube vids..and all I can notice is how white everyone's teeth are...Can I have? I'm supposedly going to get my teeth whitened for my birthday, but as with everything in my life, I'm not to sure. Ha! I've run out of things to say already..mmm... Well a lot of Korean drama and anime has been consumed in these past few weeks...mainly because my sister got a subscription to Crunchyroll, so no adds and on the smart tv (also purchased for us by Minnie..what a blessing) it HD, so giant HD anime..its kind of heavenly? Yes it is heavenly, and utterly stopping any sort of life progression, but when  such things as Attack on Titan and Free! have been airing, one doesn't even care does one. Free! is just ridiculous....ridiculously brilliant, and once you watch it you totally know why its called Free!...yes..and Attack on Titan well..that just messes up your life and thinking and head and existence, and yet you anticipate the next heart braking episode each week..waiting..hoping...
 Things have been good on the gaming front, I have been playing the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix for ps3 ( minnie bought it for me..why are you so kind :'(  ) Its been so nostalgic, because I used to watch Minnie play it..come to think of it I never played any of the games we had when I was younger, I just sat and watched my sister play and was contented. When you first get to destiny island and  you're running around with Sora collecting raft building equipment, it was like revisiting the past, because last time I had been there, it was a long time ago, when it was new and you didn't know what was going to happen next, of course now I know what's going to happen, but now playing it, not only is it fun and entertaining, you also get the memories trickling back to you, the feeling or even conversations you had when you were there last..I've lost my train of thought and I'm waffling, but I get what I'm saying and that's all that matters here. So I'm still at Transverse Town, so early days but looking to the rediscovering of the other worlds and memories. I feel I've taken three year long steps back in life, but I'm not worried right now, at least I dont think I am. I wont lie, a few things in the past few weeks have had me kind of unsure and unsettled, a few of these things are because of my own doing, which I fully admit. I thank God for the friends that I have...boy do we take our friends for granted, we're so consumed with trying to please all the wrong people, when actually there are these beautiful, inspiring and wonderful people who have been placed in our lives to be that bit of support you need sometimes ( or a lot of the time). They listen to you, they make you laugh, they just go with the they are awesome. I think to myself " Oh you know no one ever asks how you are, no one wants to know going on with you, you're of no interest to anyone blah blah ect ect " but actually, that's utter tosh because I know SO many people care about me and want to know how I am, want me to be happy..if you take a step back and pause when you're thinking shizz like that, you'll see straight away those are lies, the devil shoots out those suckers like hot cakes when you're feeling poobum about yourself..he really does. 
 Looking for love in all the wrong places is not just a poetical or ponderous sentence..we do it, as humans we aspire to be loved, we want it from as many places/people/animals as we can get...but sometimes we pick the wrong subject to receive love from. Maybe its the wrong kind of love, maybe its not the kind of love you need at a certain point in your life..either way..we choose wrongly sometimes, and no one is perfect, emotions and feelings take over so easily that you can sometimes build this reasoning to make your reasons sound feasible..or not so pathetic. You can tell if you are trying to get love from the wrong thing if it drains you..if it only gives you momentary happiness..if its not constant..if you begin to judge yourself for it..the list goes on. But you know what, and I know its cliche and why not, cliches are normally truthful, God is so worth investing your love and time into, he's so constant and never ending, like a persons is born, loves, dies...and that's it, but God's love has never stopped, its the most constant thing in your life right now..I forget that...I forget that he sent his son to die on the cross for my sins and life, I forget the blessings that have been placed into my life, I forget the change that has been made in me over the years..I just forget and its scary how easy it is to can humans who crave love ignore and forget the one true love that God has for do we forget? I've kind of baffled myself here and am a bit lost for words but I suppose the jist of it is..Seek God's love..its there, its unconditional, its free and wonderful. 

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