So I reserved this blog post like 2 minutes straight after I finished the game,which was at 2:30am in the morning.I just knew it deserved its own special post because,MY GOLLY GOSHKINS was it a fabulous game,Im all ready for 7 now!
So basically it was an all in all great game,easy to understand,easy to get into
and the story was just so epic,and refreshing,I didn't feel bored once
So when I first met Zack..I instantly loved him and could have levelled up with him my entire life
(thats a picture before his haircut)
and all the characters were so coooooooooooooooool,and OMDAYS,it was so weird fighting along Sepheroth,cos hes all your mate(well sorttof) at first and your fighting for SHINRA,and First class positions.SO WEIRD and Zacks only a young pup and hes so ENERGETIC AND up himself :')
and then the story changes dramatically and its a whole new feeling,and OH ZACK GETS NEW HAIR GUYZZZZZZZ
(I didnt see it at first,but there is a difference..oh and his hair cut makes his hair longer.Anything is possible in Final Fantasy land)
Im not giving any of the story away much in this post,because my sister hant played it yet,so I don't want to spoil it for her.SHE NEEDS TO PLAY IT QUICK SO I CAN PUBLICLY SPAZZ ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Ok,When your in that snow place(I forgot the location) with Tseng,and those two Shinra guards come,I was not expecting this babe to pop out of the helmet

I was in the front of the car while driving to Manchester with my Dad,and I when I saw him I screamed :$ and my dad was like "What happened?!?!" I explained but he just didn't seem to grasp how wonderful it was that Cloud had appeared.. *le sigh*
I cant say much more without totally falling apart in rabid emotions and writing down the whole story line in vivid detail.(darn you Minnie,go eat some pizza)
But Ill recommend this game to anyone,It jammed with awesome missions and characters and villains and emotions and Ikemen fictional people who you wish were real and a cute love story
and Of course,Our Hero,Zack <3
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