ahh Korean chill out music..Perfect for late night blogging..weeelll I say late night, its only 22:49pm, Early days!!
Dads been home all week with his bad ankle, ist been nice I guess, but hes always cleaning and cooking,and watching the tennis at the same time as cleaning and cooking, most most strange. Yeah So today I woke up late..as always,muahahaha took Sam out and..you know everyday is pretty much the same for me...quite sad, but hopefully, If I can get a job,life will be a little more eventful.
Been watching the dramas
The Musical

Flower Boys Raymun Shop

Both are just so lghsdkgj sdhfgkdflkgdfg d;fg, DANGIT one cannot control ones emotions while watching these dramas,there is so much eyecandy in them, especially Flower Boys dooda, I cant even explain guys, at first your like yeh yeh yeh, pretty boy, seen it all before, and then by the second episode you are hooked,and I mean hooked, you are like a fish all hooked on the hook,because you totally fell for the bait bros, you went for it..*breaths* CHA CHI SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..and the pole and Bawool and OH MO NA my freinds

Just makes me happy,back to watching dramas again *sigh*
I want to spend the 15 pound gift voucher I got for my birthday,but I dont know where at? Topshop? Topman? LMAO you can just about go to every store to spend it, HOW FRUSTRATING!
In love with the PSP again,Min bought me Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core. SO FIT..although the psp isnt reading the UMDs and its scaring me :S Work Golly!Right at this moment its being a bum faced..NO WAIT, its woking..it made that sounds it makes..REAAAD THE UMD MY PRECIOUSSS READ
IT READ IT IT READ IT. OKOKOKOKOKO guys..I must go and play now...because its actually working..and the intro is calling me
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